peak performance

Ep 50 - Manage Your Busy Life Like a Delicious Three-Course Meal


Do you the experience beauty every day? We’ll delve into the secret to crafting a fulfilling life. We’ll cover such subjects as: project management, creativity, the benefits of gambling, increasing self-control, the connection between innovation and imitation, jazz legend Gary Peacock and his approach to peak performance, and we’ll hear about a a yacht worth $570 million dollars.

Episode Notes:

8:00 Jazz bassist, Gary Peacock on Creativity

Wakes and funerals can be inspirational

10:00 Mary Poppins’ Role of Governess

11:00 Innovation Needs Imitation

12.30 Benefits of Gambling for Older Adults

13.30 Increasing Self-Control

16:00 David Geffen’s Yacht

Best wishes in your pursuit to manage your busy life with purpose, creativity, and fulfillment.

Peak Performance Tip: See Patterns, Not Details


When Jimmy Butler, NBA star of the Miami Heat, was asked if he prepares for specific opponents during playoff rounds, he said he didn't. Instead, he sees shapes. He sees patterns on the floor and reacts to them. He's focused on peak performance in the moment. He simply responds to the situation he's represented with and doesn't get bogged down with additional information to process. How do you access peak performance? What are your most common obstacles? How can you change how you naturally react to them?

Ep 44 - Unleash u Now with Michael Fabber, High-Performance Success Coach 


This episode explores how to build a tribe and serve them with constant value. Michael shares his effective approach to social media that creates outstanding engagement. Also, he describes life-changing experiences he’s had with mastermind groups. As a bonus, Michael was kind enough to share some awesome business coaching at the end of the interview that you can apply today!

Michael Fabber is the Executive Director of the Joseph Patrick Fabber Memorial Foundation. It has a mission to prevent suicide, drug addiction, and bullying. He is a High-Performance Success Coach, author, entrepreneur, speaker, and owner of several businesses. 

Related links:

Ep 42 - Creating Top Performance with the Ironmind Mindset: An Interview with Dr. Richard Greene, Triathlete and Performance Expert


Dr. Richard B. Greene: Keynote Speaker, Trainer, Coach, Ironman Triathlete

Dr. Greene’s experience spans more than 30 years as a corporate sales executive across many different industries. He’s an author, a business coach, and entrepreneur, a 7-time Ironman triathlete, and an ultra-distance competitive ocean swimmer. His sales acceleration training system has been highlighted on ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, and many other outlets.

Dr. Greene has been a featured speaker and worked with companies like Oracle, JP Morgan Chase, Hewlett Packard, Cisco, Coca-Cola, Nestle Foods, The Mayo Clinic, and has coached 1:1 with many of their executives.


Ep 28 - What is Your Everest? An Interview with Sara Safari, Mountain Climber and Advocate for Women’s Empowerment


Sara Safari is amazing! She is an author, speaker, mountain climber, college professor, electrical engineer, and advocate for women's empowerment. In this episode, you'll hear her inspiring story as we touch upon perseverance, empowering girls and women, goalsetting, thinking big, having a vision for your life, and leading a purposeful life by helping others achieve their potential. The sky's the limit in this episode. Visit her web sites: and

Podcast Notes:

Empower Nepali Girls Foundation

Landmark Forum

“Perfect Impossible”

You must become as big as your goal

Reconnect with your why when you face adversity

Write a why letter to yourself

Practice overcoming willpower

Goalsetting approach: divide your goal into 1,000 steps and take just one

Take the same approach in every area of your life

It’s not the goal itself that is important. It’s who you meet and what you become in the process of achieving the goal that is everything.

How to Find Your Sweet Spot in Leading a Fulfilling Life


Have you ever abandoned something you enjoyed because you couldn't be the best at it?

I've fallen into that trap many times and didn't realize it until creating a podcast episode about my life's story. I started with my current purpose of being a productivity and life purpose expert and went backwards in time to figure out how I discovered that purpose.

In the fourth grade, I began playing drums and it quickly became my identity. I was the top drummer everywhere I went - well, until I wasn't. In college, I found myself surrounded by better drummers. Gradually, drumming became less of a part of my identity. I figured - what's the point of working at it if I can't be the best?

With the internet, it's easy to dive into subjects that interest us. It's also easy to see how there's always someone more informed than you. Maybe you have a different reaction and become more invested and stimulated because of the competition.

For example, I love the movie Jaws and joined a Jaws Facebook group. Initially, it was a lot of fun but after a few weeks, I couldn't keep up! Would this be the end of my love for Jaws? Hell, no! I wouldn't let that happen. I started wondering about this recurring pattern of mine. I decided to focus more on enjoying my hobbies whole-heartedly - without the need to compare with others.

Also, discovering what I'm most passionate about - ie/ productivity coaching - taught me that even though there are many other productivity experts, none of them see the world through my eyes. I have a completely original take and embrace it. This was an eye-opener! I had to believe in the value of my unique take on everything I do. I found my sweet spot between being content and striving to improve.

What are the vital areas in your life where you need to find your sweet spot? Make a list of the key areas in your life and brainstorm how your approach is unique.

Related blog post:
A Vision for Your Future
Podcast Ep. 3 - Life Story and Discovering Your Purpose

Achieve More by Doing Less


Consciously trying to try less hard has been a theme for me lately. I’ve been consistently meditating for 20 minutes a day but I’m working to expand it to twice per day. Once I focus on my aural mantra, I become very calm and focused on - well, nothing. And this is good. But then the thoughts creep in to my mind. I know to gently acknowledge the thoughts as they arise and then return to the mantra to re-focus. I find myself trying to increase the stretches of time that I am very calm. I’ve had similar experiences in the past. I spent most of my high school and college years trying to become a better drummer - more specifically - a snare drummer in a drum corps. I was taught to strive for a full quality of sound (ie/ create a great sound yet remain relaxed). The less I worked, the fuller the sound I created. The same happened for driving a golf ball further. When I tightened up my muscles, I hit the ball a shorter distance. When I worked on my technique to allowed the ball or drum to vibrate naturally, I got the best results. The first step is to become aware that you’re not as relaxed as you could be. The tricky part is surrendering control. I often think if I muscle it out, I’ll get the best result - but it never works. At once you expend the maximum energy while remaining as effortless as possible. When have you achieved more with less effort?