executive coaching

Ep 35 - Building Top-Level Leadership: An Interview with Ken Banta, Founder of Vanguard Group for Leadership


Learn the trends of leadership development from Ken Banta. He shares twenty years of experience facilitating executives to align with their purpose and transform their companies. He outlines the full range of skills needed by today's leaders - including situational leadership, humility, reflection, and the ability to catalyze change for the organization. Ken is able to explain complex subjects related to corporate leadership in a way that we can understand. You'll glean many useful concepts to expand the tools in your tool belt, regardless of the level of leadership in your position. 

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Podcast Notes:

Leaders must change their behavior before their team’s behavior will change

Importance of a leader’s why

JFK story about top to bottom purpose in an organization

You can hang a lot of great concepts on purpose including values and behaviors

10:30 CEO’s have very few people they can talk to and this is why consultants are so key

The best leaders have humility

12:40 Situational leadership

Today’s leaders need multiple leadership styles

Book: A Short History of London - Simon Jenkins

Community Solutions

The White Institute

Parallel Exit

Ep 33 - The Big Bliss Blueprint: An Interview with Shell Phelps, Strategic Life Coach


Shell gives us wonderful resources for reaching our personal and professional goals. She gives us small steps that have a huge cumulative effect on our lives and highlights an over-looked benefit of keeping a journal. Shell is smart, caring, and experienced - grab a coffee and take lots of notes!

Related link:

Podcast Notes:

Difference between therapy and coaching

Short-term vs. long-term coaching

The Big Bliss Blueprint: 100 Little Thoughts to Build Positive Life Changes

Journaling: Refer back to see how far you’ve come

Cumulative progress is overlooked often

Exercise of gratitude: give a token of appreciation to someone each day