Time Management is Malarkey!

Wait a minute! An expert in personal productivity is saying time management is nothing but malarkey? That’s right. When I tell people I offer coaching and workshops on time management, I often hear about challenges with backlogged emails and a lack of time to do what’s important. Although we need strategies for dealing with incoming demands, we can’t let it be the main target.

I’ve found that when you know your purpose and mission in life, the minor annoyances cease to be at the top of mind. When you know your vision and it’s inspirational, you’ll find yourself utilizing all the cracks of time available to you during the day and evening. You become immensely resourceful because you now have a lighthouse to steer towards.

We don’t lack time, we lack time spent thinking deeply. With even 2 minutes of focused thinking , we can make much more progress than we can from beating ourselves up about not getting enough done. Strategize, ask questions, evaluate, assess, plan, compare, contrast, and brainstorm. We’ve got to break out of surface level thinking.