ozzy osbourne

Inspiration in the News: Ozzy, Game of Thrones, and Candle Maker


What’s This About a New Way?

This blog needed restructuring. My goal is to give you the most helpful creative kernels possible. The usual blog format has become so tiring! Does anyone really want to read an article titled, “7 Ways to Improve Your Personal Productivity?” The blog’s overall focus will remain the same - insights on time management, personal productivity, work/life balance - or better yet work/life integration, journaling, goal setting and goal attainment, mission statements, journaling, becoming a visionary, leadership, creativity, project management, and prioritizing. It sounds like way too many subjects but they are all coming from the same place creatively. My strength is relaying lessons learned through a life of being a musician.

This blog will serve as an engine for all of my other social media posts. Once I explore ideas here, I’m better able to discuss the content in video and audio. Since I’m a writer and journaler, I must start in written form. As always, feel free to offer feedback and join the conversation in the comment section. It is my intent to eventually compile these blog entries into a book. The body of the entries will be a series of random inspirations from a wide range of sources: books I’m reading, articles (I read the Boston Globe, Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review, and New York Times religiously), movies, and life experiences. Each sub-section will have a header that includes a keyword related to the categories listed above. Towards the end of the entry will be a word salad paragraph. Word salad is a writing exercise I enjoy in which I take 10 random color words/phrases (new vocabulary - or at least uncommon words) and created a silly stream-of-consciousness tale. The reason for word salad is to become more familiar with new words. Our experience is colored by our use of words. I believe we can become drastically more expressive and live a richer life by using more colorful words. For example, which sounds better: The food was good or the food was sumptuous? The vacation was fun or the vacation was life-changing? Let’s begin!

What Game of Thrones Can Teach Us About Peak Performance
“When they write the history of my reign, dear sister, they shall say it began today.” - Viserys Targaryen

This is one of my favorite quotes from the show because it illustrates the importance of the present moment. When you want to get some creative work done, there’s no reason you can’t be at your very best in this moment! Perhaps, unless you’re ill.  What action can you take today that could become the beginning of something profound in our life’s work? What could jump start your reign? Lol. I’ve watched the Game of Thrones tv show and now I’m listening to the audio book in the car. I love any book that give me the details to place myself into the story at a sensory level. As I listen, I imagine the clang of swords, whinying of horses, and smell of boiled leather. I recall a Stephen King interview with Larry King wherein he described the process of being a writer as tapping the reader on the shoulder and whispering, "Follow me." It’s as if the reader begins in a dark room and bit by bit the author shines a flashlight for the reader to find her way. I enjoy marinating in George R.R. Martin’s craftsmanship throughout the day. What sources of quality are near you on a daily basis?

Getting in the Zone with UFC Fighter, Nick Diaz
Nick is one of my favorite mixed martial artists. One thing that always impresses me is how naturally he moves. He is fluid and loose in his fighting style. A few years ago, he shocked the world by beating the red-hot fighter from Ireland, Conor, "Notorious" McGregor. When Diaz is being interviewed he immediately taps into the feeling within his body to answer questions. It's as if he can get himself back into the ring mentally. He's a real character, too. Diaz is a skilled boxer, wrestler, and a black belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. As tough as he is - his brother is bigger and badder! I"d love to learn the full story of their upbringing and how they overcame incredible obstacles to earn their successes.

Living His Life's Purpose: Yankee Candle, Founder
Michael J. Kittredge II began his journey by making candles for his mom when he was little. He melted crayons and put them in a mold with the use of an old milk cartoon. He used old shoelaces as wicks! He dropped out of University of Massachusetts when he discovered they had no major involving the history and creation of candles. Once he ordered a $20,000 bottle of wine and gave some to the kitchen staff. He sold 90% of his company in 1991 for $500 million.

Word salad is a writing exercise to help improve vocabulary. The goal is to live a more expressive and colorful life by incorporating better words in your daily vocabulary. The color words/phrases are bolded. Here’s today’s word salad:
Word Salad: Ozzy Rocks
Ozzy Osbourne didn't want to deprive his fans of an amazing concert so he rolled out of the bunk on his tour bus and had a hearty breakfast. Yesterday, the chances were bleak that he would perform since he had a temperature of 102! Head colds are a common result of the stultifying life of constantly being on the road. However, after a long nap, his good health was afoot. A fleet of 35 trucks unloaded equipment at the stadium. By 10pm, the crowd roared to life when Ozzy waddled onto the stage. A dowdy stagehand dressed in t-shirt and jeans handed Ozzy a wireless mic. The audience was at the juncture between excited and frenzied. With each hit song, the madman upped the ante for the fans.