Ep 22 - Peak Performance Tips to Get You Back on Track with Your Goals


It’s never too late to get back on track with our juiciest goals -  so here are some handy tips. We’ll get inspiration from Jane Goodall, Mel Robbins, and the female warrior, Shannon Kent. We’ll touch upon the secret to goal attainment, hear about the costs of overwork and hear how two quirky scientists get their creative juices flowing in their own speak easy in the middle of a museum. 

This show will teach you the time management skills you need to be joyful, productive, & fulfilled in all areas of life. I believe that if we want a fulfilling life, we have to identify all the hats we wear, then dedicate our lives to turning each role into a beautiful work of art. This is episode X and I’m your host productivity expert, life coach, and corporate trainer, Scott Snow. 

Peak Performance and Goalsetting Tips in the News - episode outline

1. The life and loves of Jane Goodall

2. Charles Ruhig, author of Smarter, Better, Faster on creativity and goal setting. (Success magazine, June 2016)

3. Overwork is nothing to celebrate (4/22/19, NYT)

4. You underestimate yourself (4/7/19, NYT)

5. Two scientist pals have their own speak easy for weekly brainstorming (4/10/19, NYT)

6. Mel Robbins discusses the principle of “random rewards” - the reason we pull the arm of a slot machine endlessly and check our phones 15o times per day on average! (Success, May 2016)

7. Female warrior, Shannon Kent: worked in Navy Seal teams and was their cryptologic technician. 2/10/19, NYT)

8. Surprise performance by The Rolling Stones at a small, dingy club in Worcester, Massachusetts in 1981. (9/6/19, Worcester Telegram & Gazette)

Well, that brings us to the end today’s episode. Let’s keep the momentum going. Text or email me and say you want a free consult and we’ll schedule a complementary, 20-minute consult call, to get you moving in the right direction. We’ll focus on your biggest time management challenge and I’ll help you come up with some personalized strategies to overcome that obstacle. My text number is 774-230-3928 and my email is scottsnow1234@gmail.com

Never under-estimate your ability to come up with your own solutions! The best way to do that is by participating in 1:1 coaching with a trained life coach. So, text me at 774-230-3928 or email me at scottsnow1234@gmail.com to create your own break-throughs now. 

We covered a lot today. You heard inspiring stories about goal setting, peak performance, inspiration to keep us going, and ways to spark creativity. I hope you enjoyed these strategies for managing your busy life and living your life’s purpose.