Goalsetting is Like Hugging a Butt

Ok, let me explain. Lol.

I show a video highlight of the 1994 Olympics in Atlanta as an example of determination and emotion. One scene stood out and that was when a track runner won the gold and she jumped into the arms of someone in celebration. I don’t know the relationship between the two, but I noticed he hugged her whole body as they twisted and turned. He held her in mid-air. His arm supported her legs, hip, butt, and part of her back. I thought this was beautiful. It wasn’t a traditional hug where the couple is conscious of where their hands were. They hugged all of one another.

Working on your goals should be similar – make it so you’re making progress on your goals all the time. There’s no set time to work on goals. Embrace your goals, mission, actions, brainstorming all at once. It’s all connected. If your goal is a butt, your vision statement is your hips, and your legs are the purpose.

I’m a huge believer in micro-progress with goals. Create action goals requiring 15 minutes or less. And have plenty 3-5 minute goals. Keep chipping away at that goal. Keep the pressure on always.

I use the term “Make it liquid” to describe using the cracks of the day. Brainstorm your goals then see how you can cleverly tuck them in throughout the day. You only have so much time in the day. You say you want to read for an hour a day – how can you fit it in? Maybe you listen to audio books in the car during your commute. Listen to yourself reading your mini-mission statements, goals, and vision statement every day. Listen to a recording of your mini-mission statements while washing dishes.

If you’re hyping about New Year’s Eve resolutions, you’re missing the point. You should already have your habits and routines that keep the pressure on your goals. There’s nothing special about New Year’s Day. I don’t understand why people go gaga over it. I hate the crowds and all the hulabaloo.   

I use three types of goals: Action, Deadline, and Bucket List.


Action Goal – Listen to the audio recording of my vision statement for 3 minutes daily

Deadline: By June 1, I’m scuba certified.

Bucket list: Ride in a presidential motorcade