Ever Try Meditating for 20 Minutes?

I’ve been meditating most mornings for a few months now. Today was different. For some reason, I made a connection between Brazilian jiu-jitsu and meditation. One thing I learned while training in BJJ is to be able to have a good frame. The goal of framing is to create space between you and your opponent. You often use the mechanics and anatomy of your body to prevent the other person from getting close so they can get you into submissions.

While meditating today, I felt the need to maintain a mental frame as the session went along. I realized by preserving the needed mental space for my meditation focus, I reaped the rewards. When I allowed that sacred “space” to collapse, I found myself thinking and not resting my mind.

Another benefit from meditation is that it helps to decrease negative emotions that are coupled with time. Let’s say another car pulls out in front of you and takes forever to get moving. Our usual response is stress and possibly anger. However, when you practice meditation you realize you can experience the passing of time without negative emotion - even contentment. Just when you need to apply patience you recognize the feeling of accepting the passing of time. You say to yourself, ah a bit of waiting - I know how that feels.

Share your experience with meditation!