Do You Start Projects and Never Finish? Here are Some Project Management Tips


The Seven Stages of Project Management

1. Identify the Spark - What’s the emotional connection you have with this project? That’s your spark! What’s exciting about the end result? Use it as fuel.
2. Gathering - Collect all of your resources in one place. It can be as simple as slapping a piece of duct tape on an old box and tossing items in it related to your project.
3. Brainstorm - Ask lots of questions - you’ll start to see what will be involved with completing this project.
4. Structure - What are the main segments of this project?
5. Action - Take action! Roll up your sleeves and do the physical work needed.
6. Refine - Do the detail work to make your project sparkle!
7. Celebrate! Woohoo! You finished your worthy project!

Related links:
Podcast Episode on Project Management

Blog Post on Project Management Tips

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