Business Journal or Blog?

vision-for -my business

I need to have start writing more like a journal in some of my blog posts. I’ve been wanting to write a journal related to my vision for my business, Master Your Roles.  However, I shied away from it because I felt I should write a typical blog. I agree that typical keyword-rich blog posts are important to build credibility and provide helpful information. But I found there was something missing. There are thoughts I want to share that don’t fit in a 7 Steps to better Time Management format. And let’s face it - that gets boring. I’ve always felt a compulsion to move in a different direction from the masses. 

My business journal will be very stream-of-consciousness. I will probably flit from subject to subject. I will share my process of building my business. And I believe that it will be helpful to you and perhaps even inspirational. If not, it’ll still be very important to me. Master Your Roles is the fourth business I’ve started. The others were: Robo-Percussion Music (methods and music for young drummers), Drumming Together (drum circles and wellness using music), and Scott Snow Music Therapy Services (providing music therapy to kids and adults with disabilities). Of all my businesses, Master Your Roles is the one I’m most passionate about - perhaps passionate is too weak a word - it’s my purpose! I’m sure of it. I think about it all the time. However, it’s also the business that has been the most difficult to earn paying clients. I’m having a tough time deciding on a target market - a tip all business coaches say is crucial. I agree! I recall a comment Mark Cuban made to a guest on Shark Tank. He told a prospective entrepreneur that he was “too close to his business.” And I think that speaks to me and my journey. 

With Robo-Percussion Music, I ran a table at music education conferences and got orders immediately. I even had a premiere of one of my compositions at the Midwest Band and Orchestra Conference in Chicago, the biggest gathering of music educators in the country. Next, I shifted to facilitating drum circles and started getting calls the day after placing an ad in a parenting magazine. I quickly reached the point where I didn’t want to answer the phone! I didn’t want the gigs. For the next 13 years, I worked in private practice as a music therapist. I’ve kept some clients for over a decade! And now I found my true calling. It’s amazing. I dream about workshops. I get random solutions to parts of my book to make it better. I literally have a four-foot high stack of notebooks filled with ideas. The challenge of my lifetime is to turn my purpose into a thriving business. And now you’re all caught up. So, welcome to my business journal. It will be more personal than the blog - which I will continue writing. I hope you resonate with my business journal and, as always, I welcome your comments and participation.   
