Martha Stewart inspires me. She’s bold and intelligent. She seems bossy, but I kind of like that and I’m not sure why. She’s a perfectionist and only surrounds herself with the best. I got a lot out of “Martha Rules,” her entrepreneurial book.
I highly recommend the latest documentary titled “Martha.” I’m fascinated with her time in prison. I was shocked when I heard she was going to prison in 2004. What a culture shock for her! She ultimately triumphed by leaving prison and hopped into her private jet. She was wearing a hand-made crocheted poncho that a prisoner made for her. They referred to the prison as Camp Cupcake – meaning it was easy time - but she said it was difficult. I love hearing her journal entries while she served her time. She ended up becoming a mentor to many prisoners and counseled them on starting a business.
It seemed to me that she got railroaded and convicted, as a result of, becoming so successful.
Martha said she was set free by going to prison. I loved when she summarized her story – which is something I think everyone should do as part of uncovering their purpose. In Martha’s words she said her story was that she was one of eight kids living in very modest means. She had a great idea, built it into something fantastic, made a profit, then fell in a hole. She said, “I fell in a fucking hole and I had to dig my way out of it.” Love it.
She IS difficult at times! I was surprised how demanding and rude she was to her staff at times. But it’s part of her charm, too. (As long as I’m not working for her- right?)
She lives by two mottos:
Learn something new everyday
When you’re through changing, you’re through
Martha has a knack for reinvention. She got a new lease on life when she stepped outside her comfort zone to do the Justin Bieber roast and that’s where she met Snoop Dogg. Now, they’re working together all the time. Plus, at 81 she was the oldest person ever to be on the cover of Sports Illustrated Swim Suit Issue! Bad-ass!
Reinvention is a part of the All the Hats We Wear system. Each quarter, we revise our role lists. It’s best to start from scratch. Start to sketch possible new roles and sub-roles.
For example, as a Music Therapist at a psychiatric hospital, I needed to adopt new sub-roles for that role:
Blues Artist – the blues is a powerful song style to use in therapy, I decided to embrace the blues and become more proficient in that area for the benefit of the patients.
Guitar Improvisor – I do some 1:1 sessions. Since I’m a drummer and guitar is my second instrument, I need to play guitar better. I’ve always been interested in scales and harmonies so it gave me permission to dive in!
School of Rock Dude – I have a group made up of folks who play instruments, so I need to know how to orchestrate jam songs that the players can achieve. I’m channeling Jack Black.
What’s a role that you need to CREATe sub-roles for? How do you need to reinvent yourself?