I Finally Took the Transcendental Meditation Training

I've been wanting to take the transcendental meditation training for fifteen years. Daily meditations have yielded many benefits already - some surprising. You're supposed to meditate for 20 minutes twice per day. Each meditation is completely unique. I'm learning to do less in the meditation and expect nothing. Each time I come up with an analogy of the experience of TM, I realize it's easier than that. I'm reading faster and with more clarity. My eyes move quickly across words and I'm retaining more. The surprising benefit I received was feeling frustration and anger more in one instance - which you'd think would be the opposite of meditation. I had a very stressful, irritating experience yet found myself more alive and empowered - not passive like usual. And I liked that! Also, I had a particularly powerful meditation session in which I experienced what seemed to be a total white-out and my TM instructor told me that was experiencing pure consciousness - so I've got that going for me - which is nice, lol. TM has become an important ally: always there, without expectations, effortless, and always giving my mind and body what it needs. Overall, I’m enjoying the feeling of being more present and content.