Q & A: How Can I Create S.M.A.R.T. Goals to Become a Better Parent, Spouse, and Friend?

Perfect question! Here are 8 productivity tips for becoming more joyful, productive, and fulfilled in many areas of your busy life.

 #1 Goalsetting

The S.M.A.R.T. goal is an acronym for: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, & Timely

I don’t use S.M.A.R.T. goals because I find them uninspiring. Achievable and realistic goals fail to unleash the passion needed to achieve truly worthwhile goals. Also, we need different types of goals for different situations - just like we need many tools in our tool box.  

4 types of goals:

* Habit

* Deadline

* Visionary

* Skys-the-Limit

Let’s break them down:

Habit - A rule for how you’re going to live your life. It’s not a habit yet and once it is, you create a new one.

Example: I meditate for 20 minutes daily

Deadline - An outcome with a deadline - a snapshot in time. 

Example: By June 15, I weight X pounds.

Visionary - An aspiration that can’t be measured.


I’m the best Dad I can be

I’m a world-class problem solver

I enjoy abundance in all of my roles

I’m a visionary

Skys-the-Limit - Huge goals requiring plenty of imagination.

Example: My company’s innovation helped a billion people get out of poverty.

Compile your Master List of Goals! It’s invaluable to have goals from every part of your life in one list.

Habit Goals
Drink a large glass of water each morning and before dinner
Meditate for 20 minutes twice per day
Listen to my mission statement and goals 
Jog on the treadmill for 30 minutes
Do 50 sit-ups and push-ups
Read for one hour before bed
Floss before bed
Follow social media plan

Deadline Goals
Earn $X per month
Give 10% ($X) of my income to those in need
Contribute $X to my investing fund
By July 1, complete the Transcendental Meditation training
By December 2022, be the top productivity company in New England (x in annual sales)
By April 1, weigh X pounds

Visionary Goals
I’m a world-class problem solver
I’m a visionary
I enjoy abundance in every role
I’m lean, strong, and attractive
I’m the best Dad I can be
I have a net worth of $X dollars
I believe more every day

Skys-the-Limit Goals
50 years of twice daily Transcendental Meditation
Attend the Super Bowl with my sons
Introduce Saturday Night Live by yelling, “And live from New York, it’s Saturday Night!”
Eat at a Michelin-starred restaurant 1 x month
Enjoy 2 months of vacation per year 
Be a black belt in Brazilian Jiujitsu
Be a NYT best-selling author
Have the G8 World Summit, Davos Summit, Navy Seals, and US Secret Service use my productivity method
Train pro sports teams to use my system
Provide free trainings around the globe for non-profit organizations

Write goals for your Spouse, Parent, and Friend roles using each of the 4 goal types!

#2 Identify Your Passions, Hobbies, & Interests

Brainstorm a list of your passions, hobbies, and interests. Strive to list 15 items in each category. The reason for doing this is that next you’re going to make a list of your roles - all the hats you wear. Many times, your roles will appear in your passions, hobbies, and interests. What do you like to do with your child, spouse, and friends? What WOULD you like to do with them? Brainstorm this as a family!

#3 Identify Your Roles

A role is a category in your life requiring quality time to be fulfilled. 

4 types of roles:

* Mind /Body /Spirit

Examples: Spiritual, Visionary, Body, Genius, Christian, Buddhist

* Giving / Receiving

Examples: Investor, Wealth Builder, Millionaire, Billionaire, Giver, Philanthropist, Volunteer for Little League

* Personal 

Examples: Wife, Sister, Friend, Mom, Chef, Rock Climber, Adventurer, Yoga Instructor, Roller Derby Queen

* Professional

Examples: Director of Leadership Training, Supervisor, Entrepreneur, Sales Pro, Speaker, Networker, Blogger

Include future roles, too! I’m not a millionaire, but I have Millionaire as one of my roles. Think big!! Why not?

Now combine your roles in a quadrant:



#4 Manage Your Roles

Assess each role with a rating of 1-10 to get some needed perspective.

Brainstorm activities that combine roles. If you’re a Dad, Husband, and Friend, what can you do that will involve multiple roles? Plan a camping trip with another family - there ya go!

Consider how you transition between roles through a typical day. Think of a Marine Drill Sergeant - she’s tough, ruthless, and demanding. These are great attributes for a drill sergeant but not for other roles - like relationship and parenting.

#5 Unleash Your Creativity

Brainstorm quality questions daily related to your roles. Make sure you’re asking empowering, solution-focused questions! Yes - there are good and bad questions. 

Examples of bad questions: Why am I always broke? Why does this always happen to me?

Examples of quality questions:

Body Role: What new recipes can I prepare that will be healthy and make me feel lean & strong?

Dad Role: What’s something my child is struggling with right now and how can I support her?

Entrepreneur Role: Who’s my dream mentor?

Visionary Role: What would be my perfect day?

#6 Clarify Your Mission and Connect with Your Whys

Brainstorm words you associate to each role - when you’re at your best in that role. 

Example: Role of Visionary: creativity, beacon, innovation, Willy Wonka of design, Mozart, simplicity, elegance

Next, write a 40-60 word mini-mission statement for each role.

Here’s the template: I am a (role name). I _______, ________, and _________ so I can___________. This is my (nickname) role. 

I’m a visionary. Creativity is my greatest gift. I think big every day & constantly absorb new insights and apply them. I’m a lookout tower and lightning rod. I’m a voracious reader and unstoppable force for good. My crystal clear goals keep me on track for achieving my juiciest dreams. This role is my Willy Wonka engine role that drives everything good in my life. 

Make an audio recording of your mini-mission statements and goals and listen to them daily so you hover over them all the time! You must revisit the emotion of them at least once a day.

#7 Ace Your Large Projects

There are 7 stage of project management:

1. Identify the spark - what’s the emotional connection to the project? That’s key - it’s your fuel. 

2. Gather - Collect all the resources and inspiration related to the project.

3. Brainstorm - Ask lots of questions!

4. Structure - What are the main components of the project? If it’s a book you’re writing - how many chapters?

5. Action - Roll up your sleeves and get then bulk of the project’s work done.

6. Refine - Make it shine. 

7. Celebrate!

Make a list of all the projects on your plate and a few that you’d like to begin. And find creative ways to connect roles while working on the projects.

Example: Treehouse, Patio, Disney trip with family

#8 Start a Daily Journal

Throughout the day, jot down creative snippets - unique experiences or thoughts that you can explore later that night. Strive for moments of beauty - not full days. Capture flashes of joy - the little things! 


* 4 year-old nephew was wrestling with his Grandpa and says, “Pappa, you’re my favorite old man!”

* Favorite song from high school came on the radio as I drove home from work and I opened the moon roof with the music blaring 

Try out these suggestions and you’ll become more joyful, productive, and fulfilled in all areas of life. Apply these productivity tips to improve your work life balance, time management, goal setting, project management, and life purpose.

If you’d like to continue this conversation and learn how these principles relate to your life, call/text for a free consult at 774-230-3928.