Having a Daily Vision Statement Will Help (Even During a Pandemic!)


The Corona Virus Pandemic is numbing and difficult to grasp. But it’s here to stay - for a while at least. Pre-pandemic, I was almost always motivated and rearing to go. I savored thinking big and strategizing about personal productivity, work life balance, and even discovering one’s life purpose.

When the quarantine began, I found myself stunned and well…incapacitated to continue living my own purpose of helping others become more joyful productive, and fulfilled in all areas of life! It was as if I panicked and was in shock.

Well, I’m back to help. Being sequestered at home for weeks (or months) to come will be a monumental test for us all. One thing that helped me find myself was writing my daily vision - the same one I’ve been doing for years. Usually, I get pumped up and ready for the day when writing my daily vision but Friday through Monday, I was going through the motions. But I began really reading into each line of my vision statement. I started to feel guilty and down on myself. I wasn’t acting like a VISIONARY or world-class problem solver. I saw instanced of other people stepping up but not me.

Here’s my daily vision statement I write each morning and before bed:

I’m a professional speaker
I’m a VISIONARY and world-class problem solver
I practice transcendental meditation
I’m lean and strong
I’m the best Dad I can be
I enjoy abundance in all 20 roles
I travel the USA speaking
I earn x/month, give 10% of it to those in need, and have a network of X
I BELIEVE more every day!

Here are some tips that have helped me stay sane and even experience deeper levels of fulfillment than usual during these first 6 days of the pandemic.

#1 - Daily Schedule

My family spent a lot of time curating a daily schedule. We structured it so challenging segments like online school work, chores, and music lessons transitioned into more relaxing segments. There’s beauty in carefully-designed structure. I believe the kids appreciate the continuity, too.

#2 - Get to Know Yourself Again

All of this additional time is a wonderful opportunity to learn new skills. I’m meditating, learning knot-tying, learning cribbage with the kids, and watching an original Twilight Zone each night. I have stacks of books to read and movies to watch, as well. I see the process of getting to know yourself as a constant pursuit. Yet, I see a lot of people who - with an enormous amount of time on their hands - seem to have little insight as to what their interests are beyond getting through their typical work day. Always be on the prowl to cultivate interest, hobbies, and passions.

#3 - Take Inventory of All the Hats You Wear

I talk a lot about identifying and managing all the hats we wear. The pandemic initially blew all those roles to smithereens! You only focus on survival. Your world is completely turned upside down! That’s where we are now. I had to concentrate and bring my 20 roles back into view. Here are my current roles:


My daily vision statement that jolted me back to life but my network of daily routines got me back in the saddle to make a difference for others. What are some things that can keep you on track with living your life’s purpose? Or what could get you back on track? How have you bounced back from hardship?