Ep 18 - The First Step in Self-Development is to Create Your Setlist


Welcome to episode 18, The First Step in Self-Development is to Create Your Setlist, of the All the Hats We Wear personal productivity podcast with certified professional coach, corporate trainer, and host, Scott Snow . This show will teach you the time management skills you need to be joyful, productive, & fulfilled in all areas of life. I believe to have a fulfilling life, we must identify all the hats we wear, then dedicate our lives to turning each role into a beautiful work of art.

Learn why you need to create a setlist for your life! Just like your favorite band has a setlist, you need a setlist of the roles you play - the hats you wear. There are 4 types of roles: mind/body/spirit, giving/receiving, personal and professional. Here’s an example of my set list so you can create your own:

1. Spiritual / TM

2. Lean & Strong

3. Visionary

4. Wealth Builder

5. Giver

6. Husband

7. Dad

8. Family / Friend

9. Backgammon

10. Chef

11. Movie Buff

12. Joker

13. Writer

14. Life Coach & Executive Coach

15. Prof. Speaker

16. Sales Pro

17. Social Media Contributor

18. Productivity Expert

19. Music Therapist

Here are some colorful and informative stories in the news - related to personal productivity. 

1. Charlie Munger, vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway shares one of his skills that separates him from everyone else: the ability to destroy your own best ideas.  (5/14/19, WSJ)

2. Find you perfect work-life balance. Sophie Khan, cofounder of Aurate jewelry gives her definition of proper work life balance or as she terms it: work life integration. 

3. Learn why it’s important to invest in your low-level relationships.(5/12/19, T. Herrera, NYT)

4. Carolyn Gregoir, co-author of “Wired to create: The Mysteries of the creative mind, has an interesting take on allowing ideas to incubate. (July 2017, S. Dembling, Success magazine)

5. Marcus Buckingham, personal strengths expert, describes three things women do to be happy and successful. 

6. Musician, Sting, shows us how he knows what makes a song work.

7. Sam Lipsyte, writer, and Roger W. Ferguson Jr., economist & CEO of TIAA, offer new insights to the use of structure in creative projects.

8. Oprah shares a powerful quote about finding your story.

9. Darren Criss, actor, founder of men’s grooming company, The Motley describes his passion for his business.  

Well, that brings us to the end today’s episode. I hope you heard something today that’ll streamline your busy life. 

Let’s keep the momentum going - I have a special offer for you. Tell me your biggest time management challenge and I’ll help you come up with some personalized strategies to overcome that obstacle. 

Text me and say you want a free consult and we’ll schedule a complementary, 20-minute consult call, to get you moving in the right direction. My personal text number is 774-230-3928. Try something new and exciting -  see firsthand how life coaching can improve your life right now. Take care my friend and thank you for listening to the All the Hats We Wear podcast on personal productivity, life purpose, and creativity - with productivity expert, Scott Snow hosting.

If you’re listening to this podcast, you’re probably very successful in some areas of your life, yet completely unfulfilled in others. You probably put in long hours and wear many different hats. You feel like there’s not enough time for what’s important. Did you know most people juggle 15 to 20 roles? Only after you accurately identify all the roles you play, can you start to create a plan to live a masterpiece life. 

I want to share a special offer with you. If you tell me your biggest time management challenge, I will help you to come up with strategies to help you right away. Text me the message “free consult” and we’ll schedule a complementary, 20-minute consult call to get you moving in the right direction. Text 774-230-3928 and tell me you want your free consult - do it today.  Thank you for listening to the All the Hats We Wear podcast on personal productivity, life purpose, and creativity - with productivity expert and host, Scott Snow.