Ep 56 - Life Purpose and a Special Ten Dollar Bill

Life Purpose and a Special Ten Dollar Bill

Boston Globe
1. Neil Krieger, obit, neuroscientist, bioluminescence
2. Godfather 2
3. Stella Sullivan, obit, 96, “that dirty bird virus”
4. Dad pays for son’s first legal beer
5. Joan Baez, painter
6. Massachusetts Conference for Woman

Wall Street Journal
7. New rule in England: can only serve alcohol with a “substantial meal”
8. Tony Hsieh’s unwieldy estate
9-10. Consumer psychology: sloppy vs neat present wrapping
11. The Lindler brothers and fishing business
12. Walter E. Williams, obit, good or bad? hold space
13. Microsoft engineer, Eric Engstrom, obit
14. Margaret Chase Smith, courageous senator
15. Autism/invention connection
16. Older people are happier than younger
17. Book: Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present - Ruth Ben-Ghiat
18. Atomic Habits - James Clear
19. Resilient systems in nature
20. Dan Ariely: make tasks manageable, peak-end rule
21. Monastery in Switzerland
22. Recipe: Delicata squash with cauliflower puree, brown butter, and hazelnuts
23. Solution for rock-hard brown sugar
24. Steven Soderbergh, director, interview
25. Jen Atkins, hair product CEO, Ouai
26. Goldie Hawn, non-profit, MindUP